Centre Dentaire Des Cedres | Aftercare
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Frequently Asked Questions


For patients that have had a tooth extracted, please follow the instructions as to insure a comfortable and quick recovery. If the instructions are not followed, there may be significantly more discomfort or complications may arise.


In the first 24 hours following the extraction, it is important to allow your body to form a good clot and facilitate the healing process. Any swishing, sucking through a straw, spitting vigourously or smoking can dislodge the clot. The local anesthetic will cause you to be number for several hours after you leave. Be careful not to bite the numb area. Limit physical activity during the first 24 to 72 hours following oral surgery is usually best. Trying to do “too much too soon” may lead to persistent oozing, increased discomfort, and a prolonged recovery.


Bleeding: As you leave the clinic, bite down with slight pressure on the gauze pads for at least 30 minutes (changing them every 10-15 minutes). If there is still bleeding following this 30 minute period, you may bite down on another gauze pad or a tea bag. Small amounts of blood in your saliva can appear quite red. This is normal and may be noticeable throughout the first day.


Pain Relief: Discomfort is normal after having an extraction. You may notice a gradual increase in pain, typically peaking on the third day, which can potentially last up to five days. Keep your head elevated at all times to decrease swelling and pain.  Take Tylenol or Advil, or any other non-Aspirin pain reliever (following the recommended time periods on your prescription or medication bottle) until bedtime to reduce pain. Ibuprofen is the most recommended due to it’s additional anti-inflammatory properties. However, note that depending on your medical condition, tylenol may be preferred (consult with your doctor).


Diet: Eat soft foods for the first two days, and drink plenty of water. Crunchy or hard food can also disrupt the healing, so be sure to chew on the opposite side of your mouth for 24 hours. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.


Smoking: It is recommended to avoiding smoking during the healing process. Any instances of smoking, of any amount, can dislodge the clot or cause a painful dry socket which will dramatically delay wound healing.


Please call us if you have:

Severe pain
Excessive bleeding
Swelling that persists after 72 hours following the surgery

Root Canal

Endodontic Therapy (Root canal) Root canal treatment is performed so we might keep a tooth (or teeth), which would otherwise require an extraction.Occasionally a “flare-up” may occur after treatment, requiring a prescription pain reliever and/or antibiotic.


What to Expect Following Root Canal Therapy :


A temporary filling is placed in your tooth after the roots have been filled. Usually the filling is quite soft. Do not bite on this tooth for at least 1 hour after your appointment. Often, bits of temporary filling break away and the filling will feel “dished out” in the root treated tooth. This is normal. YOU MUST HAVE A PERMANENT FILLING PLACED WITHIN FOUR WEEKS AFTER COMPLETION OF YOUR ROOT FILLING. If the tooth is not permanently filled, it will have a much greater chance of fracture or failure, requiring re-treatment, surgery, or extraction. Most teeth that have had a root filling require crowns, as these teeth become more brittle and susceptible to fracture. Root treated teeth must be re-evaluated over the next 6-12 months. X-rays will be taken of the root treated tooth so that we may review the healing process following your treatment. It is important that these endodontically treated teeth be examined, as a small percentage of these teeth do not heal completely, and may require further endodontic procedures. As previously mentioned, your tooth may be sore for a few days after treatment. Usually Advil, Tylenol or Aspirin will alleviate your symptoms. Try not to exert undue pressure on the tooth until you have had a permanent filling placed. if the pain is more than Advil or its equivalent will handle, please call our office for an evaluation. The discomfort should diminish over the next few days and the tooth should feel normal within one to two weeks. Occasionally, the gums and cheek adjacent to your tooth will swell and be quite uncomfortable. This is a “flare-up”. If you have these symptoms, please call our office for an emergency visit. It may be necessary to prescribe an antibiotic/analgesic or drain the infection. If in the event this treatment fails, the other options will be either surgery re-treatment by a specialist or extraction of the tooth. If you have any concerns, please call our office immediately at 450-200-4200 and we will be happy to address these concerns.

These were some of the most frequently asked questions patients have about dentistry and oral health issues. If you have any other questions or would like to schedule an appointment, we would love to hear from you.